User:Chunbum Park/Sub/Homeopathy research

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

  • "life energy," sometimes called a "vital force," which today is commonly referred to as a person's immune and defense system. - awkward grammar
  • Due to their respect for the wisdom of the body - ambiguous.... how can a body have "wisdom"?
  • small and specially prepared - unnecessary
  • Again, mainstream medicine rejects this premise as unsupported by adequate clinical evidence, molecular biology, or both. - why was this deleted?
  • when considering homeopathy as an intervention, but may be used to determine the need for more conventional approaches. vs are generally not essential for selecting a homeopathic remedy, but may be used for medical disease diagnosis. - I find the original sentence more descriptive & sensible. "medical diesase diagnosis" is ambiguous.
  • , which he feels will be more effective. - Why add this? Awkward grammar, incorrect gender; should be s/he, & it's confusing. I'm trying to figure out if it means anything substantial but I can't.
  • , by stimulating the natural healing processes of the body. - this was added to a previous edit that I labeled unnecessary above. This, too, is not useful; the article needs to clarify how these unique and special and magical wonders stimulate the natural healing processes.
  • Most homeopathic medicines are available over-the-counter and do not require a doctor's prescription. However, in most countries, a homeopathic medicine has a tendency to be a prescription drug, available only from a doctor's prescription, if the dosage is in a crude or relatively non-potentized dose and if the dose of a specific medicine is dangerous. In the United States, some homeopathic medicines are prescription drugs if there are no indications for its use for self-limiting conditions or conditions that require medical diagnosis or medical monitoring. - the "most homeopathic medicines" that are available... etc, are the ones found in the US, correct? That needs to be clarified. Also, "In the United States", etc., makes this article look too US-centric. It'd be great if difficult terms like "self-limiting conditions" could be explained.
  • Emil Adolph von Behring, the first winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine who discoved the tetanus and diphtheria vaccinations and who some people consider to be the father of immunology, asserted that vaccination is, in part, derived from the homeopathic principle of similars. - awkward; it's too long. What is "similars"?
  • In spite of all scientific speculations and experiments regarding smallpox vaccination, Jenner’s discovery remained an erratic blocking medicine, till the biochemically thinking Pasteur, devoid of all medical classroom knowledge, traced the origin of this therapeutic block to a principle which cannot better be characterized than by Hahnemann’s word: homeopathic - the quotation doesn't contain any substance because it dosen't explain how, as Emil asserted, vaccination was derived from one of homeopathic principles. Also, it's too wordy and confusing; it'd be better if the author could rephrase it in his/her own words.
  • Despite the fact that homeopathic medicines and vaccinations both use small doses of what might cause a problem in order to help to prevent and/or treat it, there are important differences between homeopathic medicines and vaccines. First, the doses used in homeopathic medicine are almost always much smaller in dose. Second, a homeopathic medicine is generally prescribed in a highly individualized fashion, not simply based on a person's conventional medical diagnosis, but based on the unique syndrome of symptoms that the person experiences. - This sounds too much like a promotional ad. How is smaller dose better? And smaller in what way (overall, or each individual intake)? I have hard time imagining that conventional medicine does not cover all symptoms that a human can experience. In other words, the individualized experience claim with "unique syndrom of symptoms" is nonsense.
I think these are reasonable considerations. D. Matt Innis 02:46, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
Thank you very much! I guess I'll continue this then.(Chunbum Park 18:44, 19 November 2008 (UTC))