Maxwell equations/Bibliography
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General references
- Daniel A. Fleisch (2008). A student's guide to Maxwell's equations. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521701473. Accessible introduction.
- David J Griffiths (2008). Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rd ed. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 013805326X. Authoritative undergraduate textbook.
- John David Jackson (1998). Classical electrodynamics, 3rd ed. Wiley. ISBN 047130932X. Authoritative graduate level textbook.
- Fulvio Melia (2001). Electrodynamics. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226519589. A first-year undergraduate level text designed, according to the author, as an introduction to Jackson (listed above).
- WKH Panofsky and M Phillips (2004). Classical electricity and magnetism, Reprint of Addison-Wesley 1962 ed. Dover. ISBN 0486439240. A greatly respected older text, building the Maxwell equations from the empirical observations of Coulomb, Ampère and Faraday, "rather than on mathematics and strict internal logic". The authors say the subject has "gained in usefulness as it has lost in immediacy".
- Melvin Schwartz (1987). Principles of electrodynamics, Reprint of McGraw Hill 1972 ed. Dover. ISBN 0486654931. A lucid presentation of the Maxwell equations, from exactly the opposite approach to that of Panofsky and Phillips, stressing their derivation from electrostatics and Lorentz invariance.
- Herbert Spohn (2004). Dynamics of charged particles and their radiation field. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521037075. A graduate level text presenting the subject as a collection of topics with various appended notes that he should have incorporated into the text, as he says, "a guide to all the material that has been left out". Of interest primarily because treatments of this topic are rare.