Marshall Plan/Bibliography
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- Agnew, John, and J. Nicholas Entrikin, eds. The Marshall Plan Today: Model and Metaphor. (2004), 274pp; essays by economic historians; online edition
- Bischof, Günter, Anton Pelinka, and Dieter Stiefel, eds. The Marshall Plan in Austria (2000) essays by Austrian scholars
- Burk, Kathleen. "The Marshall Plan: Filling in Some of the Blanks," Contemporary European History, Vol. 10, No. 2 (July 2001), pp.267-294.
- Carew, Anthony. Labour under the Marshal Plan (1987)
- Cox, Michael, and Caroline Kennedy-Pipe. "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy? Rethinking the Marshall Plan," Journal of Cold War Studies 7.1 (2005) 97-134 in Project Muse, a controversial article that says the Soviet Union's reaction caused it to repress Eastern Europe
- Maier, Charles S. "The Marshall Plan and the Division of Europe." Journal of Cold War Studies 2005 7(1): 168-174. in Project Muse, a rebuttal saying the ERP was the single event most responsible for confirming the division of Europe, not for initiating that division.
- Cromwell, William. "The Marshall Plan, Britain and the Cold War," Review of International Studies, Vol. 8, No. 4 (October 1982), pp.233-249.
- DeLong, J. Bradford and Barry Eichengreen, eds. The Marshall Plan (1991). econometric history online edition
- Djelic, Marie-Laure A. Exporting the American Model: The Post-War Transformation of European Business. (1998) 314pp online version
- Donovan, Robert J. The Second Victory: The Marshall Plan and the Post War Revival of Europe (1988).
- Dornbusch, Rudiger, Wilhelm Nölling and Richard Layard, eds. Postwar Economic Reconstruction and Lessons for the East Today (1993) 262pp essays by economists excerpt and text search
- Contents: "Openness, Wage Restraint, and Macroeconomic Stability: West Germany's Road to Prosperity 1948-1959," by H. Giersch, K. H. Paqué, M. Schmieding. "The Lucky Miracle: Germany 1945-1951," by H. Wolf. "Inflation and Stabilization in Italy 1946-1951," by M. De Cecco and F. Giavazzi. "Economic Reconstruction in France 1945-1958," by G. Saint-Paul. "Reconstruction and the U.K. Postwar Welfare State: False Start and New Beginning," by P. Minford. "A Perspective on Postwar Reconstruction in Finland, J. Paunio. The Reconstruction and Stabilization of the Postwar Japanese Economy," by K. Hamada and M. Kasuya. "The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program," by J. B. De Long and B. Eichengreen. "Lessons for Eastern Europe Today," by 0. Blanchard, R. Portes, W. Nolling.
- Eichengreen, Barry, ed. Europe's Post-War Recovery. (1995). 357 pp. quantitative economic history
- Lucreazia Reichlin, "The Marshall Plan reconsidered" pp 39-67
- Chiarella Esposito, "Influencing Aid Recipients: Marshall Plan Lessons for Contemporary Aid Donors," pp 68-
- Eichengreen, Barry, and Marc Uzan. "The Marshall Plan: Economic Effects and Implications for Eastern Europe and the Former USSR," Economic Policy, Vol. 7, No. 14, Eastern Europe (Apr., 1992), pp. 14-75, econometric analysis in JSTOR
- Ellwood, D.W. Rebuilding Europe. America and West European Reconstruction (1992)
- Esposito, Chiarella. America's Feeble Weapon: Funding the Marshall Plan in France and Italy, 1948–1950, (1994), 226pp online edition
- Grose, Peter, ed., The Marshall Plan and Its Legacy (1997), essays by American scholars
- Hoffmann, Stanley, and Charles S. Maier, eds. The Marshall Plan: A Retrospective (1984), essays by scholars
- Hogan, Michael J. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952 (1989) major history, with diplomatic emphasis excerpt and text search
- Charles S. Maier, "Review: American Visions and British Interests: Hogan's Marshall Plan," Reviews in American History, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Mar., 1990), pp. 102-111 in JSTOR
- Hogan, Michael J. "American Marshall Planners and the Search for a European Neocapitalism." The American Historical Review, Vol. 90, No. 1 (Feb., 1985), pp. 44-72 in JSTOR
- Keskin Kozat, Burçak. "Negotiating Modernization through U.S. Foreign Assistance: Turkey's Marshall Plan (1948-1952) Re-interpreted." PhD dissertation U. of Michigan 2007. 306 pp. DAI 2007 68(2): 733-A. DA3253309 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Kipping, Matthias, and Ove Bjarnar, eds. The Americanisation of European Business (1998). online edition
- Leffler, Melvyn P. "The United States and the Strategic Dimensions of the Marshall Plan," Diplomatic History, Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 1998), pp.277-306.
- McKenzie, Brian Angus. France: Americanization, Public Diplomacy, and the Marshall Plan. (2005). 259 pp.
- Milward, Alan. The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-1951 (1984). Says the economic recovery might have happened anyway
- Milward, Alan S. "Was the Marshall Plan Necessary?" Diplomatic History 1989 13(2): 231-253.
- Pelling, Henry. Britain and the Marshall Plan (1988), a light study less useful than Hogan (1989)
- Roberts, Geoffrey. "Moscow and the Marshall Plan: Politics, Ideology and the Onset of Cold War, 1947," Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 46, No. 8 (December 1994), pp.1371-1386 in JSTOR
- Schain, Martin, and Tony Judt, eds. The Marshall Plan: Fifty Years After (2001). essays by scholars excerpt and text search
- Vickers, Rhiannon. Manipulating Hegemony: State Power, Labour and the Marshall Plan in Britain (2000), 185pp online edition
- Wasser, Solidelle F. and Michael L. Dolfman. "BLS and the Marshall Plan: The Forgotten Story: The Statistical Technical Assistance of BLS Increased Productive Efficiency and Labor Productivity in Western European Industry after World War II; Technological Literature Surveys and Plan-Organized Plant Visits Supplemented Instruction in Statistical Measurement," Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 128, (June 2005) pp 44-52 online edition
- Wend, Henry Burke. Recovery and Restoration: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Politics of Reconstruction of West Germany's Shipbuilding Industry, 1945–1955. (2001) online edition
- Wexler, Imanuel. The Marshall Plan Revisited: The European Recovery Program in Economic Perspective (1983), a major economic history; says ERP was major economic success
- Whelan, Bernadette. Ireland and the Marshall Plan 1947-1957 (2000).
- Whelan, Bernadette. "Ireland, the Marshall Plan, and U.S. Cold War Concerns." Journal of Cold War Studies 2006 8(1): 68-94. Issn: 1520-3972 Fulltext: Project Muse
Primary sources
- Acheson, Dean. Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department (1969), esp pp.226-235.
- Kindleberger, Charles P. Marshall Plan Days (1987), memoir by American official
- Parrish, Scott, and Mikhail M. Narisnky, eds. "New Evidence on the Soviet Rejection of the Marshall Plan, 1947: Two Reports," Working Paper No. 9, Cold War International History Project, Washington, DC, March 1994;
- "The Marshall Plan and the Future of U.S. European Relations" (1972)
- "The Marshall Plan" from Truman Library