Daniel Webster/Bibliography
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- Bartlett, Irving H. Daniel Webster (1978) online edition
- Baxter, Maurice G. "Webster, Daniel"; American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. online edition at academic libraries
- Current, Richard Nelson. Daniel Webster and the Rise of National Conservatism (1955), short biography
- Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster (1870) online edition vol 1; online edition vol 2
- Fuess, Claude M. Daniel Webster. 2 vols. 1930. older scholarly biography
- Lodge, Henry Cabot. Daniel Webster. 1883. too old to be useful
- Ogg, Frederic Austin. Daniel Webster (1914)
- Remini, Robert V. Daniel Webster (1997), 796pp; the standard scholarly biography and the most important place to start excerpt and text search
Specialized studies
- Arntson, Paul, and Craig R. Smith. "The Seventh of March Address: A Mediating Influence." Southern Speech Communication Journal 40 (Spring 1975): 288-301.
- Bartlett, Irving H. "Daniel Webster as a Symbolic Hero. New England Quarterly 45 (December 1972): 484-507. in JSTOR
- Baxter, Maurice G. Daniel Webster and the Supreme Court (1966)
- Baxter, Maurice G. One and Inseparable: Daniel Webster and the Union. 1984.
- Birkner, Michael. "Daniel Webster and the Crisis of Union, 1850. Historical New Hampshire 37 (Summer/Fall 1982): 151-73.
- Brauer, Kinley J. "The Webster-Lawrence Feud: A Study in Politics and Ambitions." Historian 29 (November 1966): 34-59.
- Brown, Norman D. Daniel Webster and the Politics of Availability. 1969.
- Brown, Norman D. "Webster-Jackson Movement for a Constitution and Union Party in 1833. Mid-America 46 (July 1964): 147-71.
- Brown, Thomas. "Daniel Webster: Conservative Whig. In Politics and Statesmanship: Essays on the American Whig Party, (1985) pp. 49-92. online edition
- Carey, Robert Lincoln. Daniel Webster as an Economist. (1929). online edition
- Dalzell, Robert F., Jr. Daniel Webster and the Trial of American Nationalism, 1843-1852. 1973.
- Dubofsky, Melvyn. "Daniel Webster and the Whig Theory of Economic Growth: 1828-1848. New England Quarterly 42 (December 1969): 551-72. in JSTOR
- Eisenstadt, Arthur A. "Daniel Webster and the Seventh of March. Southern Speech Journal 20 (Winter 1954): 136-47.
- Fields, Wayne. "The Reply to Hayne: Daniel Webster and the Rhetoric of Stewardship." Political Theory 11 (February 1983): 5-28. in JSTOR
- Foster, Herbert D. "Webster's Seventh of March Speech and the Secession Movement, 1850." American Historical Review 27 (January 1922): 245-70. in JSTOR
- Formisano, Ronald P. The Transformation of Political Culture: Massachusetts Parties, 1790s–1840s (1983)
- Hammond, Bray. Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War (1960), Pulitzer prize; the standard history. Pro-Bank
- Holt, Michael F. The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War (1999), 1000pp comprehensive scholarly history online edition
- Howe, Daniel Walker. What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 (2007). 928pp; survey of the political history
- Jones, Howard. To the Webster-Ashburton Treaty: A Study in Anglo-American Relations, 1783-1843. 1977. 251 pp.
- Nathans, Sydney. Daniel Webster and Jacksonian Democracy. 1973.
- Nathans, Sydney. "Daniel Webster, Massachusetts Man." New England Quarterly 39 (June 1966): 161-81. in JSTOR
- Nevins, Allan. Ordeal of the Union: Fruits of Manifest Destiny, 1847–1852" (1947), highly detailed narrative of national politics.
- Parish, Peter J. "Daniel Webster, New England, and the West. Journal of American History 54 (December 1967): 524-49. in JSTOR
- Peterson, Merrill D. The Great Triumvirate: Webster, Clay, and Calhoun (1983) excerpt and text search
- Prince, Carl E., and Seth Taylor. "Daniel Webster, the Boston Associates, and the U.S. Government's Role in the Industrializing Process, 1815-1830." Journal of the Early Republic 2 (Fall 1982): 283-99.
- Shade, William G. "The Second Party System" in Paul Kleppner ed., "Evolution of American Electoral Systems (1983)
- Sheidley, Harlow W. "The Webster-Hayne Debate: Recasting New England's Sectionalism." New England Quarterly 1994 67(1): 5-29. Issn: 0028-4866 Fulltext: in Jstor
- Sheidley, Harlow W. "`Congress only can declare war' and `the President is Commander in Chief': Daniel Webster and the War Power." Diplomatic History 12 (Fall 1988): 383-409.
- Shewmaker, Kenneth E. "Forging the `Great Chain': Daniel Webster and the Origins of American Foreign Policy toward East Asia and the Pacific, 1841-1852. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 129 (September 1985): 225-59.
- Shewmaker, Kenneth E. ed. Daniel Webster: "The Completest Man. 1990.
- Simpson, Brooks D. "Daniel Webster and the Cult of the Constitution. Journal of American Culture 15 (Spring 1992): 15-23. online in Blackwell Synergy
- Smith, Craig R. "Daniel Webster's Epideictic Speaking: A Study in Emerging Whig Virtues" online edition
- Smith, Craig R. Daniel Webster and the Oratory of Civil Religion. (2005) 300pp
- Smith, Craig R. "Daniel Webster's July 17th Address: A Mediating Influence in the 1850 Compromise. Quarterly Journal of Speech 71 (August 1985): 349-61.
- Smith, Craig R. Defender of the Union: The Oratory of Daniel Webster. 1989.
- Szasz, Ferenc M. "Daniel Webster--Architect of America's `Civil Religion'. Historical New Hampshire 34 (Fall/Winter 1979): 223-43.
- Wilson, Major L. "Of Time and the Union: Webster and His Critics in the Crisis of 1850. Civil War History 14 (December 1968): 293-306. ch 1 of Wilson, Space, Time, and Freedom: The Quest for Nationality and the Irrepressible Conflict, 1815-1861 (1974) online edition
Primary sources
- Select Speeches of Daniel Webster 1817-1845 edited by A. J. George, (1903) online at Project Gutenberg[1]
- The works of Daniel Webster edited in 6 vol. by Edward Everett, Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1853. online edition
- Howe, Daniel Walker, ed. The American Whigs: An Anthology (1973) online edition
- Wiltse, Charles M., Harold D. Moser, and Kenneth E. Shewmaker (Diplomatic papers), eds., The Papers of Daniel Webster, (1974–1989). Published for Dartmouth College by the University Press of New England. ser. 1. Correspondence: v. 1. 1798–1824. v. 2. 1825–1829. v. 3. 1830–1834. v. 4. 1835–1839. v. 5. 1840–1843. v. 6. 1844–1849. v. 7. 1850–1852 -- ser. 2. Legal papers: v. 1. The New Hampshire practice. v. 2. The Boston practice. v. 3. The federal practice (2 v.) -- ser. 3. Diplomatic papers: v. 1. 1841–1843. v. 2. 1850–1852 -- ser. 4. Speeches and formal writings: v. 1. 1800–1833. v. 2. 1834–1852.
- Van Tyne, Claude H., ed. The Letters of Daniel Webster, from Documents Owned Principally by the New Hampshire Historical Society. 1902. Reprint. 1970.
- Webster, Fletcher, ed. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. 2 vols. 1857. online edition vol 1
- Wiltse, Charles M., ed. Microfilm Edition of the Papers of Daniel Webster. University Microfilms, 1971. 41 reels and guide.
- McIntyre, J.W., ed. The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster. 18 vols. 1903.
- ↑ Contains: Defence of the Kennistons; The Dartmouth College Case; First Settlement of New England; The Bunker Hill Monument; The Reply to Hayne; The Murder of Captain Joseph White; The Constitution Not a Compact Between Sovereign States; Speech at Saratoga; and Eulogy on Mr. Justice Story