CZ:Removing an Article

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The Citizendium Council has established policy for removing articles from the main space.

Rationale for policy

While, according to the Charter, "all contributors are welcome at the Citizendium" (Art. 2), "their contributions are respected" (Art.6), and "contributions in all fields of knowledge are allowed" (Art.18), these fundamental principles do not imply that every contribution is considered worth keeping or developing. Consequently, pages that do not serve the mission of the project as stated in the Preamble of the Charter may be removed in a suitable way.

How to request removal

Any Citizen who discovers an article that he or she considers to be inadequate may nominate it for removal by placing the Template:Remove on the corresponding talk page. The removal request should be discussed on the article's talk page where all Citizens may participate.

Role of Citizendium Council

The Citizendium Council will maintain a list where all such removal requests are logged and where the council will vote without time limit. As soon as a majority of the Citizendium Council agrees on an answer to the request, the result will be logged and the corresponding action carried out.

The Citizendium Council will decide whether an article or page merits removal from the mainspace and, if so, to where it should be moved, or if it should be blanked. Deleting a page will only be considered in rare cases if required by legal considerations.