Adalbert Evers/Bibliography

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Selected Publications (in English since 1992)
Monographies and edited books
Evers, Adalbert (with von Essen, Johan) (eds.) 2019: Volunteering and Civic Action – boundaries blurring, boundaries redrawn. VOLUNTAS special issue vol. 30 no. 1
Evers, Adalbert (with Brandsen, Taco / Cattacin, Sandro / Zimmer, Annette) (eds.) 2016: Social Innovations in the Urban Context. Springer, New York / Heidelberg
Evers, Adalbert (with Guillemard, Anne-Marie) (eds.) 2012: Social Policy and Citizenship – The Changing Landscape. Oxford University Press, New York
Evers, Adalbert (with Laville, Jean-Louis) (eds.) 2004: The Third Sector in Europe. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham / Northampton
Evers, Adalbert (with Svetlik, Ivan) (eds.) 1993: Balancing Pluralism. New Welfare Mixes in Care for the Elderly. Avebury, Aldershot
Evers, Adalbert (with Wintersberger, Helmut) (eds.) 1992: Shifts in the welfare-mix. Their Impart on Work, Social Services and Welfare Policies. Campus / Westview, Frankfurt /New York
Journal articles and book chapters
Evers, Adalbert (with Ewert, Benjamin) 2021: Understanding co-production as a social innovation. In: Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (eds.): Handbook on Co-production of Public Services and Outcomes. Palgrave Macmillan, London and New York
Evers, Adalbert 2020: Third Sector Hybrid Organisations: Two Different Approaches. In: Billis, David / Rochester, Colin (eds.): Handbook on Hybrid Organisations. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham / Northampton, pp. 294-310
Evers, Adalbert (with: Brandsen, Taco) 2016: Social Innovations as Messages: Democratic Experimentation in Local Welfare Systems. In: Brandsen, Taco / Cattacin, Sandro / Evers, Adalbert / Zimmer, Annette (eds.) 2016: Social Innovations in the Urban Context. Springer, New York / Heidelberg, pp. 161-180
Evers, Adalbert (with Ewert, Benjamin) 2015: Social Innovation for Social Cohesion. In: Nicholls, Alex / Simon, Julie / Gabriel, Madeleine (eds.): New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 107-127
Evers, Adalbert (with Ewert, Benjamin) 2014: Blueprints for the Future of Service Provision? Shared Features of Service Innovations across Europe. In: Social Policy and Society vol. 13 no. 3, pp. 423-432
Evers, Adalbert 2013: The concept of ‘civil society‘: different understandings and their implications for third sector policies. In: Voluntary Sector Review vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 149 – 164
Evers, Adalbert (with Ewert, Benjamin) 2012: Co-Production: Contested meanings and challenges for user organizations. In: Brandsen, Taco / Pestoff, Victor / Verschuere, Bram (eds.): New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production, Routledge, New York, pp. 79-96
Adalbert Evers (with Guillemard, Anne-Marie) 2012: Marshall’s Concept of Citizenship and Contemporary Welfare Reconfiguration. In: Evers, Adalbert / Guillemard, Anne-Marie) (eds.) 2012: Social Policy and Citizenship – The Changing Landscape. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3-34
Evers, Adalbert 2010: Civicness, Civility and their meanings for social services. In: Evers, Adalbert / Dekker, Paul / Brandsen, Taco (eds): Civicness in the Governance and Delivery of Social Services. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, pp. 41-66
Evers, Adalbert 2005: Mixed Welfare Systems and Hybrid Organizations: Changes in the Governance and Provision of Social Services. In: International Journal of Public Administration, vol. 28, no. 9 & 10, pp. 736-748
Evers, Adalbert 2003: Social Capital and Civic Commitment: On Putnam's Way of Understanding. In: Social Policy & Society vol. 2 no. 1, pp. 13-21
Evers, Adalbert (with Sachße, Christoph) 2003: Social Care Services for Children and Older People in Germany: Distinct and Separate Histories. In: Anttonen, Anneli / Baldock, John / Sippilä, Jorma (eds.): The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton, pp. 55-79
Evers, Adalbert 2001: The significance of social capital in the multiple goal and resource structure of social enterprises. In: Borzaga, Carlo / Defourny, Jacques (eds.): The Emergence of Social Enterprise. London, New York, pp. 296-311
Evers, Adalbert 1995: Part of the welfare mix: the third sector as an intermediate area between market economy, state and community. In: Voluntas, 6 / 2 pp. 159-182
Evers, Adalbert (with Baldock, John) 1992: Innovations and Care for the Elderly: the cutting-edge of change for social welfare systems. In: Ageing and Society vol.12 pp. 289-312