Carbon nanotube

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrically shaped sheets of [carbon], typically existing as the allotrope graphite. Carbon nanotubes are generally divided into two categories, single-walled and multi-walled, sue to their differing properties. Due to their unique molecular structuring, CNTs exhibit unique properties in material sciences and electronics that is the topic of recent on-going research. [2]
Carbon nanotubes are currently being explored as an emerging technology in numerous fields such as electronics, optics, materials uses, and medicine. In addition to research regarding applications is the research being done to improve production of carbon nanotubes to include more precision and higher volumes of productions on a large scale. Development of “ultra-long” carbon nanotubes with extremely high length-to-diameter ratios is being researched due to their potential to greatly increase the applications of CNTs across their many fields of use.