Pali Canon/Catalogs

The following parallel table of contents of three editions can be verified by direct inspection of the scans linked (though Khmer script is needed for K). K corresponds to the contents of the Canon as commonly listed in Western academic sources.
book | B | C | K |
Vinaya-piṭaka | 1-5 | 1-6 | 1-13 |
Suttanta-piṭaka | 6-28 | 7-40 | 14-77 |
,, Dīgha-nikāya | 6-8 | 7-9 | 14-19 |
,, Majjhima-nikāya | 9-11 | 10-12 | 20-28 |
,, Saṃyutta-nikāya | 12-14 | 13-17 | 29-39 |
,, Aṅguttara-nikāya | 15-17 | 18-23 | 40-51 |
,, Khuddaka-nikāya | 18-28 | 24-40 | 52-77 |
,, ,, Khuddakapāṭha | 18 | 24 | 52 |
,, ,, Dhammapada | ,, | ,, | ,, |
,, ,, Udāna | ,, | ,, | ,, |
,, ,, Itivuttaka | ,, | ,, | 53 |
,, ,, Suttanipāta | ,, | 25 | 54 |
,, ,, Vimānavatthu | 19 | 26 | 55 |
,, ,, Petavatthu | ,, | 27 | 56 |
,, ,, Theragāthā | ,, | 28 | 56-57 |
,, ,, Therīgāthā | ,, | 29 | 57 |
,, ,, Jātaka | 22-23 | 30-32 | 58-63 |
,, ,, Mahā-niddesa | 24 | 33 | 64-66 |
,, ,, Culla-niddesa | 25 | 34 | 67-68 |
,, ,, Paṭisambhidāmagga | 26 | 35 | 69-71 |
,, ,, Apadāna | 20-21 | 36-37 | 72-76 |
,, ,, Buddhavaṃsa | 21 | 38 | 77 |
,, ,, Cariyāpiṭaka | ,, | ,, | ,, |
,, ,, Netti | 27 | 39 | — |
,, ,, Peṭakopadesa | 27 | 40 | — |
,, ,, Milindapañha | 28 | — | — |
Abhidhamma-piṭaka | 29-40 | 41-52 | 78-110 |
,, Dhammasaṅgaṇi | 29 | 41 | 78-79 |
,, Vibhaṅga | 30 | 42-43 | 80-82 |
,, Dhātukathā | 31 | 47 | 83 |
,, Puggalapaññatti | ,, | ,, | ,, |
,, Kathāvatthu | 32 | 44-46 | 84-86 |
,, Yamaka | 33-35 | 48-49 | 87-93 |
,, Paṭṭhāna | 36-40 | 50-52 | 94-110 |
- B: Chaṭṭha-saṅgīti-piṭaka, Latin-script edition, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Yangon, 2008: [1]
- C: Buddhajayanti Tripitaka Granthamālā, published under the patronage of the government of Ceylon/Sri Lanka, 1957-1989: [2], [3]
- K: Braḥ Traipiṭakapāḷi, 110 volumes, Phnom Penh, 1931-1969: [4]
See also Parallel volume-by-volume table of contents of a number of editions; see [5] for the code letters used there.
According to that table, three Thai editions have the same contents and order as K above. Citizendium has verified the contents, but not the order, for Syāmaraṭṭhassa Tepiṭaka: they are the same as K.
Their own edition, also published in Thailand, is based on B and has the same contents and volume numbers as listed for B above, except that the whole of the Apadāna is fitted into volume 20, with 21 consisting of Buddhavaṃsa and Cariyāpiṭaka only.
Citizendium has verified the contents, and order as listed in forewords (there is no volume numbering), of the Nālandā Devanāgarī Pāli Series: they are the same as K. It may be noted, however, that this edition, though edited by a Theravada monk, was published by the Indian state government of Bihar, so it is not clear whether it is really a Theravada edition.
Including manuscripts, old editions and secondary sources would give much more variety. Cf. Books of the Bible.