Drug treatments for obesity/Bibliography

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Review Articles
[1] Magni P. et al. (2009) Feeding behavior in mammals including humans. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 1163:221-232. PMID 19456343
[R2] Coutinho W (2009) The first decade of sibutramine and orlistat: a reappraisal of their expanding roles in the treatment of obesity and associated conditions. Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia. 53:262-270 "The most widely used anti-obesity agents are sibutramine and orlistat, both available in clinical practice for about a decade."
[R3] Elangbam C.S (2009) Current Strategies in the Development of Anti-obesity Drugs and Their Safety Concerns. vet pathol. 26:10-24 "This review covers the current state of antiobesity drugs and their safety concerns, and highlights new therapeutic targets and scientific advances toward the development of appropriate animal models by using novel techniques that will aid in understanding pathogenesis and pathophysiology of anorexigen-related safety issues."
[R4] Bray G (2008) Lifestyle and Pharmacological Approaches to Weight Loss: Efficacy and Safety. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 93: S81–S88 "There is currently no evidence that clearly supports a superiority of one macronutrient composition for diets used for weight loss...Physical activity is particularly important in helping patients maintain a weight loss once achieved and is less valuable for weight loss itself...but only a few drugs have been developed thattap these mechanisms. Orlistat, which blocks intestinal lipase, is one; sibutramine, a serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, is a second."
M1 - Reference: Review: Role of metformin for weight management in patients without type 2 diabetes. 2008. [Desilets A. R.]
M2 - Reference: Review: Is there a role for metformin or acarbose as a weight-loss agent in the absence of diabetes? 2003. [Siraj E. S.]
M3 - Reference: Article: Metformin decreases food consumption and induces weight loss in subjects with obesity with type II non-insulin-dependent diabetes. 1998. [Lee A.]
M4 - Reference: Article: Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. 2002.[Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group]
M5 - Reference: Review: Abuse of Drugs Associated with Eating Disorders. 1992. [Bulik C.]
M6 - Reference: Review: Enhancement of athletic performance with drugs. An overview. 1991. [Wagner J]
M7 - Reference: Review: Thyroid hormones in the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity [Krotkiewski M.]
M8 - Reference: Review: New Targets for Obesity Pharmacotherapy [Aronne L. J.]
M9 - Reference: Review: The safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical and herbal caffeine and ephedrine use as a weight loss agent [Greenway et Al.]
M11 - Reference: Review: Obesity and thermogenesis related to the consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea [Diepvens et Al.]
[B1] - Tziomalos K et al. (2009) The use of sibutramine in the management of obesity and related disorders: An update. Vascular Health and Risk Management 5:1 pp. 441-452. (Sibutramine, in conjunction with lifestyle measures, is a useful drug for reducing body weight and improving associated cardiometabolic risk factors and obesity-related disorders. Studies of longer duration are required to determine the precise indications of the drug, to evaluate safety issues and to assess its efficacy on cardiovascular mortality. )
[B2] - Coutinho W (2009) The first decade of sibutramine`and orlistat: a reappraisal of their expanding roles in the treatment of obesity and associated conditions. Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia 56:2 pp. 262-270. (The most widely used anti-obesity agents are sibutramine and orlistat, both available in clinical practice for about a decade. A large number of clinical trials have demonstrated that both agents are safe and well tolerated, with a level of efficacy in the moderate weight loss recommended by the most relevant clinical guidelines.)
[B3] - Bray G A (2008) Lifestyle and Pharmacological Approaches to Weight Loss: Efficacy and Safety. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93:11 pp. 81-88 (With sibutramine alone and minimal behavioral intervention, the weight loss over 12 months was approximately -5.0+-7.4 kg over 12 months. Behavior modification alone produced a weight loss of -6.7+-7.9 kg. Adding a brief behavioral therapy session to a group that also received sibutramine produced a slightly larger weight loss of -7.5+-8.0 kg. When the intensive lifestyle intervention was combined with sibutramine, the weight loss increased to -12.1+-9.8 kg.)
Primary Research Papers
[R5] Rossner S, Sjostrom L, Noack R, Meinders A, Noseda G (2000) Weight loss, weight maintenance, and improved cardiovascular risk factors after 2 years treatment with orlistat for obesity. Obesity Research.8:41-61 "Orlistat administered for 2 years promotes weight loss and minimizes weight regain. Additionally, orlistat therapy improves lipid profile, blood pressure, and quality of life."
[R6] Hauptman J, Lucas C, Boldrin M, Collins H (2000) Orlistat in the Long-term Treatment of Obesity in Primary Care Settings. Arch Fam Med 9:160–167 "More patients treated with orlistat lost 5% or more of their initial weight in year 1 (48.8% and 50.5% of patients in the 60-mg and 120-mg groups, respectively) compared with placebo (30.7%; P,.001), and approximately 34% of patients in the orlistat groups sustained weight loss of 5% or greater over 2 years compared with 24% in the placebo group (P,.001)."
M10 - Article: Paper: Hypothalamic CART is a new anorectic peptide regulated by leptin [Kristensen et Al.]
[R7] Rang H, Dale M, Ritter J, Flower R (2007) Pharmacology. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier. 417-418.
[B4] - Rang H, Dale M, Ritter J, Moore P (2003) Pharmacology. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier. 401-402.
[R8] NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: Press release (2001), Viewed 7 October 2009, http://www.nice.org.uk/search/guidancesearchresults.jsp?keywords=orlistat¤tpage=2&paginatedpage=1&searchType=All&sort=&pageSize=&startYearMonth=&endYearMonth=&refId=&fromSearch=true