New Year's Eve

Although there are many celebrations of the new year around the world, the most globally-celebrated event is that of the turning of the Gregorian calendar year on December 31st, called New Year’s Eve. January 1st, New Year’s Day, follows.
Methods of celebrating or “ringing in the New Year” vary. It is common to have a toast to the New Year at midnight. People typically kiss, embrace or shake hands at midnight as well. Robert Burns’s song ‘’Auld Lang Syne‘’ is typically played or sung.
Some attend private parties or public balls, Others have dinner with friends, with or without party or parlour games; these often have a reflective theme, such as going round the table asking and answering questions. A minority spend New Year’s Eve in church at special Watchnight services.
Some municipalities hold public events, such as outdoor concerts, often culminating with fireworks displays. Public transportation in now often free, due to concerns about people drinking and driving.
There are various iconic celebrations of New Year's Eve around the world, some of which have become prominent on TV news media coverage; including fireworks at Sydney Harbour and revelers entering the freezing waters of the fountain at Trafalgar Square in London. The dropping of a ball at Times Square in New York is another example.
A few people are decidedly anti New Year’s Eve, feeling that if one makes a habit of enjoying life and going out throughout the year, there is no need to go out and be over-the-top on one particular evening. In this context, New Year’s Eve is sometimes derisively referred to as “Amateur Night”.
Although New Year’s Eve is usually a joyous and optimistic time of year, the fact that it falls during Christmastide can cause emotional distress for some. Suicide rates are high during the holidays, and seeing other people apparently joyous and happy and surrounded by friends and family can increase feelings of isolation and depression and loneliness. It is advisable for those who are susceptible to make concrete plans for the evening.