Portuguese cod casserole (bacalhau à Gomes de Sá)

Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá is a casserole of cod, potatoes and onion. It is a Porto speciality, nowadays popular in the whole of Portugal, and is considered one of Portugal's greatest bacalhau recipes.
Origin of the name
Gomes de Sá was the son of a rich nineteenth century merchant in Porto, who apparently dealt in cod. The family fortune dwindled and the son had to find a job at the famous restaurant Restaurante Lisbonense in downtown Porto. It was there that he created the recipe. He died in 1926.
Ingredients: 9 pieces of dried cod; 3 kg peeled potatoes; 2 cloves of garlic; 5 eggs; olive oil, a sprinkle of parsley and olives to taste
Boil the cod, potatoes and eggs, having cut the cod in strips and removed skin and bones. Slice the peeled potatoes with the eggs.
Sauté in olive oil, with wheels of sliced onion and chopped garlic until the onion is yellow.
Put the casserole, with alternating layers of cod, potato, egg and onion, in the oven, sprinkled with grated parsley and some olives.
Serve hot.