Limited liability company

The business entity you choose can greatly affect your personal liability. When shareholders or owners of a business are not personally liable for any business debts or obligations, they enjoy "limited liability." The last thing you want to do is create a business where the negligence of a partner, or even an employee, puts your personal assets at risk.
A limited liability company (LLC) is a relatively new business structure allowed by state statute. LLCs are popular because, similar to a corporation, owners have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. Also, an LLC is more like a partnership, providing management flexibility and the benefit of pass-through taxation. Owners of an LLC are called members. Since most states do not restrict ownership, members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities. There is not limit to the number of members. Most states also permit a “single member” LLC. One which has only one owner.
What type of businesses can form a LLC?
Most businesses can form a LLC. The exception is banks and insurance companies.
How do you form an LLC?
A LLC is formed by filing a form, usually called Articles of Organization, with the Secretary of State. The corporation division of most secretary of state offices handles LLCs. Most states require an annual report be filed. The LLC is not a tax paying entity. Profits, losses, etc. flow directly through and are reported on the individual members tax returns. One problem an LLC can have is a harder time receiving a loan to expand its business unless the individual members or the company has excellent credit.
Management Structure
The members of the company either manage the business affairs themselves or appoint a manager to operate the company for them.
Advantages of a LLC
No group of individuals stand between the members and the managers. There is a great deal of flexibility in determining a management structure for the company. The members can adopt a structure best suited to the particular needs of the company. In addition, it has no double taxation. A LLC can choose to be taxed like a partnership or a corporation.
Disadvantages of a LLC
One disadvantage is the potential of the existence of disagreement and deadlock amongst the members because each member has managing rights of the company. Another disadvantage is the requirement that active members pay self-employment, Medicare, and social security taxes to the government.
Corporation vs. LLC
Every corporation is governed by a board of directors. A director occupies a position of responsibility unlike that of other corporate personnel. Sometimes directors are characterized as agents because they act on behalf of the corporation, however , no individual director can act as an agent to bind the corporation.Directors are responsible for authorizing major corporate decisions, appoijting supervising, and removing corporate officers and other managerial employees, determing employes' compenstaion, making financial decisions necessary to the management of corporate affairs, and issuing aughorized shares and bonds.Directors and officers are exposed to liability on many fronts. Corporate directors adn officers may be held liable for the crimes and torts committed by themselves or by corporate employees and under their supervision. Directors also have a loyalty to the corporation. The duty of loyalty requires directors and officers to subordinate their personal interests to the welfare of the corporation.
Partnership vs. LLC
Partnerships are governed both by common law concepts and by statutory law. A partnership arises from an agreement, express or implied, between two or more persons to carry on a business for a profit. A partnership is based on a voluntary contract between tow or more competent persons who agree to place some or all of their funds or other assets, labor, and skills in a business with the understanding that profits and losses will be shared.Management and control responsibilities will be divided among the partners. The rights of partners in a partnership relate to the following areas: management, interest in the partnership, compensation, inspection of books, accounting, and property. Events that will dissolve the partnership are:retirement, death, or incapacity of any partner.The duties and liabilities of partners that we examine here are basically derived from agency law.Each partner is an agent of every other partner and acts as both a principal and an agent in any business transaction within the scope of the partnership agreement. One disadvantage of the partnership is that partners are personally liable for the debts of the partnership. The liability is essentially unlimited because the acts of one partner in the ordinary course of business subject the other partners t personal liability.
Sole Proprietorship vs. LLC
The simplest form of business is a sole proprietorship. The owner is the business; thus, anyone who does business without creating a separate business organization has a sole proprietorship. A major advantage of the sole proprietorship is that the proprietor receives all of the profits. The sole proprietor is free to make any decision he or she wishes concerning the business whom to hire, when to take a vacation, what kind of business to pursue, and so on. A sole proprietor pays only personal income taxes on the business' profits, which are reported as personal invome on the proprietor's personal income tax return. The major disadvantage of the sole propriotorshipis that as a sole owner, the propretor alone bears the burden of any losses or liabilities incurred by the business enterprise. The proprietor has unlimited liability, or legal responsibility, for all obligations that arise in doing business.
When does a LLC dissolve?
A LLC does not have an infinite life. There are three ways that would cause a LLC to dissolve. It could dissolve with the death of one of the members or the single member, a bankruptcy of an individual member or single member, or if an individual member decides not to continue with the business anymore.
Single Member Limited Liability Company (SMLLC)
Although most states permit Single Member LLCs, a traditional LLC is designed to be used by two or more members. This is because the Single Member LLC has not been fully tested before the IRS and it is uncertain as to how they will ultimately be treated in various situations. By definition, one person cannot be a partnership. Therefore, an individual organized as a LLC might lose the protection of this type of business organization.