President of the United States of America/Catalogs

The office of President of the United States has been held by 42 men since George Washington became the first in 1789. In the listings, however, Grover Cleveland is counted twice because he had two separate terms. Elections take place in years divisible by 4; the term for the president begins in the following year. The first term of office started on 30 April 1789. Subsequent terms of office began on 4 March until the ratification of the 20th Amendment in 1933. Since 1937 terms have started on 20 January. The 22nd Amendment (ratified in 1951) placed a limit of two 4-year terms or ten years in office. Seven presidents have died in office and one resigned. In each instance, the vice-president succeeded to the office immediately.
The holders of the office of President have been:
No. | Name | Term of office | Notes |
1 | George Washington | 1789-1797 | |
2 | John Adams | 1797-1801 | |
3 | Thomas Jefferson | 1801-1809 | |
4 | James Madison | 1809-1817 | |
5 | James Monroe | 1817-1825 | |
6 | John Quincy Adams | 1825-1829 | |
7 | Andrew Jackson | 1829-1837 | |
8 | Martin Van Buren | 1837-1841 | |
9 | William Henry Harrison | 1841 | Died in office 4 April 1841 |
10 | John Tyler | 1841-1845 | |
11 | James K. Polk | 1845-1849 | |
12 | Zachary Taylor | 1849-1850 | |
13 | Millard Fillmore | 1850-1853 | |
14 | Franklin Pierce | 1853-1857 | |
15 | James Buchanan | 1857-1861 | |
16 | Abraham Lincoln | 1861-1865 | Assassinated 15 April 1865 |
17 | Andrew Johnson | 1865-1869 | |
18 | Ulysses S. Grant | 1869-1877 | |
19 | Rutheford B. Hayes | 1877-1881 | |
20 | James Garfield | 1881 | Assassinated 19 September 1881 |
21 | Chester Arthur | 1881-1885 | |
22 | Grover Cleveland | 1885-1889 | |
23 | Benjamin Harrison | 1889-1893 | |
24 | Grover Cleveland | 1893-1897 | |
25 | William McKinley | 1897-1901 | Assassinated 14 September 1901 |
26 | Theodore Roosevelt | 1901-1909 | |
27 | William Howard Taft | 1909-1913 | |
28 | Woodrow Wilson | 1913-1921 | |
29 | Warren G. Harding | 1921-1923 | Died in office 2 August 1923 |
30 | Calvin Coolidge | 1923-1929 | |
31 | Herbert Hoover | 1929-1933 | |
32 | Franklin D. Roosevelt | 1933-1945 | Died in office 12 April 1945 |
33 | Harry S. Truman | 1945-1953 | |
34 | Dwight Eisenhower | 1953-1961 | |
35 | John F. Kennedy | 1961-1963 | Assassinated 22 November 1963 |
36 | Lyndon B. Johnson | 1963-1969 | |
37 | Richard Nixon | 1969-1974 | Resigned 9 August 1974 |
38 | Gerald Ford | 1974-1977 | |
39 | Jimmy Carter | 1977-1981 | |
40 | Ronald Reagan | 1981-1989 | |
41 | George H. W. Bush | 1989-1993 | |
42 | Bill Clinton | 1993-2001 | |
43 | George W. Bush | 2001-present |