Carried aboard Burke-class destroyers and Littoral Combat Ships of the United States Navy, the AN/WLD-1 Remote Minehunting System (RMS) provides a new and long-range naval mine warfare (MIW) capability. Its principal element is an unmanned undersea vehicle, which tows a variable-depth AN/AQS-20A soner array for detecting, identifying, and analyzing both bottom-mounted and moored mines; this sonar can also be carried by the MH-60S Knighthawk helicopter.
A helicopter-borne laser-based detection system also complements the sonar.It integrates with the AN/SQQ-89(V)15 undersea warfare systems aboard the Burkes.
It has over-the-horizon range and is designed to operate in littoral waters. The prime contractor is Lockheed Martin. It was first tested, in 2004, aboard the USS Momsen' (DDG-92). Initial production will go aboard DDG-91 thorough DDG-95. Unit cost is estimated at $13 million.