Inuit/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Inuit.
See also changes related to Inuit, or pages that link to Inuit or to this page or whose text contains "Inuit".

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Bot-suggested topics

Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Inuit. Needs checking by a human.

  • Alaska [r]: Please do not use this term in your topic list, because there is no single article for it. Please substitute a more precise term. See Alaska (disambiguation) for a list of available, more precise, topics. Please add a new usage if needed.
  • Grise Fiord [r]: A settlement on Ellesmere Island, and one of the northernmost settlements on Earth. [e]
  • History of vitamin C [r]: The historical usage of L-ascorbic acid. [e]
  • John Franklin [r]: (April 15, 1786 - June 11, 1847) British sea captain and Arctic explorer. [e]
  • Minik Wallace [r]: One of six Inuk brought to the United States from Greenland in 1897 by explorer Robert Peary. [e]
  • Multiple sclerosis [r]: A chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). [e]
  • Northwest Passage [r]: Water route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans north of the North American mainland. [e]
  • Roald Amundsen [r]: (1872-1928) Polar explorer. [e]
  • The Frozen Deep [r]: A play, originally staged as an amateur theatrical, written by Wilkie Collins along with the substantial guidance of Charles Dickens. [e]