Venturia inaequalis
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Description and significance
Venturia inaequalis is type of fungi that causes plant disease. Spring is the time V. inaequalis starts its life cycle. During springtime, V. inaequalis spores spread out into the air and attack the apple tree by penetrating apple’s waxy cuticle to cause scab. V. inaequalis is typical apple scab pathogene. V. inaequalis has seven haploid chromosome.
Genome structure
Cell structure and metabolism
Natural Host: V. inaequalis is parasitic to apple tree and other closely related species
How does V. inaequalis life cycle parasite to plants Even though V. inaequalis infection cycle starts in the springtime, V. inaequalis was stored in fallen fruits or leaves as immature pseudothecia during the winter. In the winter, sexual reproduction takes place; aeciospores are produced and are able to release in rainy springtime. When Venturia inaequalis contact the surface of the plants, a germ tube is form and it penetrates the surface. Between the cuticle and epidermal tissue, a fungal mycelium is formed. Venturia inaequalis then develop asexually to new generation of conidial spores and germinate the tree. The secondary infection keeps on going throughout the summer and stop when leaves and fruit fall from the host tree.
==Current Research: == ==
Localized Melanization of Appressoria Is Required for Pathogenicity of Venturia inaequalis
This paper investigates the path that Venturia inaequalis infect apple trees. The formation of appressoria is required for Venturia inaequalis o form a melanized appressorial ring structure (MARS)to attach to the leaf surface to form a fugus-plant like interface. Such a process is believed to be required for Venturia inaequalis to penetrate the cuticle.
1)Fungal Disease Apple scab Venturia inaequalis ( 2)Venturia inaequalis( 3)Ulrike Steiner and Erich-Christian Oerke,Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Phytomedicine, University of Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, German, "equired for Pathogenicity of Venturia inaequalis", October 2007, Volume 97, Number 10 Pages 1222-1230 DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-97-10-1222