Unique factorization

In mathematics, the unique factorization theorem, also known as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every integer can be expressed as a product of prime numbers in essentially only one way.
Every integer can be written in a unique way as a product of prime factors, up to reordering. To see why this is true, assume that can be written as a product of prime factors in two ways
We may now use a technique known as mathematical induction to show that the two prime decompositions are really the same.
Consider the prime factor . We know that
Using the second definition of prime numbers, it follows that divides one of the q-factors, say . Using the first definition, is in fact equal to
Now, if we set , we may write
In other words, is the product of all the 's except .
Continuing in this way, we obtain a sequence of numbers where each is obtained by dividing by a prime factor. In particular, we see that and that there is some permutation ("rearrangement") σ of the indices such that . Said differently, the two factorizations of N must be the same up to a possible rearrangement of terms.