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Revision as of 12:21, 24 October 2024 by Pat Palmer (talk | contribs) (what's here is likely accurate for what it's worth; I agree it could use a total restart, so have at it)
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 Definition Progressive decline in two or more cognitive domains that is severe enough to interfere with the performance of everyday activities. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Health Sciences [Categories OK]
 Subgroup category:  Neurology
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

proposal to start over here

I'd like to see much more of a narrative here than a list of bullet points. That's typically what a good encyclopedia entry is, a story, an academic story peppered with facts... just heads up that if there is no serious subjection, I may just scratch this version and start with a new version that's much more of a story. This is an important topic. Worldwide there is a brewing epidemic of dementia, the majority of which is Alzheimer's. Jack S. Byrom (talk) 10:20, 24 October 2024 (CDT)

What is there already was written by a professor of medicine, so it's very minimal and clinical. He write it more than 10 years ago. I have no problem with you starting over, but if there's anything here of value, I would at least trust the information though it might not be the latest and greatest. I agree this is a topic of growing importance. Have at it! Pat Palmer (talk) 12:21, 24 October 2024 (CDT)