32 Names of Durga

The 32 Names of Durga (Sanskrit: Durgādvātriḿśatnāmamālā) is a mantra that may be chanted as part of a yoga practice and also is used in celebration of some Hindu religious festivals. "Durga Dwatrimsha Namamala" (32 Names of Durga) is found in Chapter 8 of the Durga Saptashati (700 Verses), a Hindu religious text written in Sanskrit[1].
For mantras, the Hindu religious tradition provides the words and syllables to be chanted and also a recommended intonation pattern. The intonation has been passed down by oral tradition from swami to swami, and in some cases it may also have been recorded in the Vedic literature.
This mantra uses a central tone, a lower tone about one musical step down (shown in bold), and a higher tone about a half step up (show in capitals).
The 32 Names of Durga mantra can be pleasant to chant with no focus on meaning, but the meanings provided below (translated from the Sanskrit) can be used as visualizations of desirable spiritual capabilities which can be invoked and strengthened by use of the mantra. The name Durga comes from a word meaning "fort", that is, something which cannot be easily accessed. One possible result of practicing the visualizations along with the mantra would be to invoke and reinforce a person's ability to endure unpleasantness, overcome temptation, and retain or regain vitality in the face of hardships. When regarded merely as a "free verse" poem, the mantra has a pleasing rhythm and melodic flow.
Some recordings of this mantra are on the External Links tab.
No. | Name | Intonation (Vedic) | Meaning |
1 | Durgā | om DUR-gaa | she who is difficult to approach |
2 | Durgatirśaminī | dur-gaar-ti-sha-MA-nee | who is tranquil even in painful circumstances |
3 | Durgāpadvinivāriṇī | dur-gaa-pad-vi-ni-vaa-RI-nee | who wards off unfavorable events |
4 | Durgamacchedinī | dur-ga-mach-chhe-DI-nee | who is indivisible |
5 | Durgasādhinī | dur-ga-saa-DHI-nee | who is accomplished, perfected |
6 | Durganāśinī | dur-ga-naa-SHI-nee | who destroyed a demon |
7 | Durgatoddhāriṇī | dur-ga-TOD-dhaa-RI-nee | who creates the universe |
8 | Durgenihantrī | dur-ga-ni-HAN-tree | the destroyer |
9 | Durgamāpahā | dur-ga-maa-PA-haa | the one who destroys |
10 | Durgamajñānadā | dur-ga-ma-gyaa-NA-daa | who imparts knowledge |
11 | Durgadaityalokadavānalā | dur-ga-dai-tya-LO-KA-da-vaa-NA-laa | who burns the abode of demons |
12 | Durgamā | dur-ga-MAA | who is the Mother Durga |
13 | Durgamālokā | dur-ga-MAA-LO-kaa | Who is full of slpendor, luster |
14 | Durgamātmasvarūpiṇī | dur-ga-maat-MA-sva-roo-PI-ņee | who is the spirit's own form |
15 | Durgamārgapradā | speak | who imparts knowledge of the spiritual path |
16 | Durgamavidyā | speak | who is knowledge personified |
17 | Durgamāśritā | speak | who is sought as refuge |
18 | Durgamajñānasaḿsthānā | speak | meaning |
19 | Durgamadhyānabhāsinī | speak | meaning |
20 | Durgamohā | speak | meaning |
21 | Durgamagā | speak | meaning |
22 | Durgamārthasvarūpiṇī | speak | meaning |
23 | Durgamāsurasanhantrī | speak | meaning |
24 | Durgamāyudhadhāriṇī | speak | meaning |
25 | Durgamāńgī | speak | meaning |
26 | Durgamatā | speak | meaning |
27 | Durgamyā | speak | meaning |
28 | Durgameśvarī | speak | meaning |
29 | Durgabhīmā | speak | meaning |
30 | Durgabhāmā | speak | meaning |
31 | Durgabhā | speak | meaning |
32 | Durgadāriṇī | speak | meaning |
- ↑ Shri Durga Saptashati, a description of the "700 Verses", as well as the Sanskrit text for its 13 chapters, on drik Panchang©, Hindu Calendar for the World; last access 12/28/2022