China-Burma-India theater/Bibliography
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- Hogan, David W. India-Burma (1999) brief official US Army history; 24pp online edition
- Kraus, Theresa L. China Offensive , (1999) brief official US Army history; 24pp online edition
- Morley James, ed. The Fateful Choice: Japan's Advance into Southeast Asia, 1939-1941. (1980).
- MacGarrigle, George L. Central Burma (1999) brief official US Army history; 23pp online edition
- Newell, Clayton R. Burma, 1942 (1999) brief official US Army history; 24pp online edition
- Sherry, Mark D. China Defensive, (1999) brief official US Army history; 24pp online edition
- Yu, Maochun. The Dragon's War: Allied Operations and the Fate of China, 1937-1947 (2006). 242 pp.
- Ch'i, Hsi-sheng. Nationalist China at War: Military Defeats and Political Collapse, 1937–1945 (1982)
- Dreyer, Edward L. China at War, 1901-1949. (1995). 422 pp.
- Eastman Lloyd et al. The Nationalist Era in China, 1927-1949 (1991) excerpt and text search
- Fenby, Jonathan. Chiang Kai Shek: China's Generalissimo and the Nation He Lost (2004), 592pp excerpt and text search
- Hsi-sheng, Ch'i. Nationalist China at War: Military Defeats and Political Collapse, 1937–1945 (1982)
- Hsiung, James C. and Steven I. Levine, eds. China's Bitter Victory: The War with Japan, 1937-1945 (1992), essays by scholars; online from Questia; also excerpt and text search
- Bjorge, Gary J. Merrill's Marauders: Combined Operations in Northern Burma in 1944, (1996) online edition
- Byrd Martha. Chennault: Giving Wings to the Tiger. (1987). the standard biography
- Cornelius, Wanda, and Thayne Short. Ding Hao: America's Air War in China, 1937-1945. (1980)* Craven Wesley Frank, and James Lea Cate, eds. The Army Air Forces in World War II. 7 vols. 1948- 1958.
- vole 4: The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan: August 1942 to July 1944 table of contents
- vol 5: The Pacific--Matterhorn to Nagaski, June 1944-August 1945 (1953) table of contents and some text
- Dod Karl C. The Corps of Engineers: The War against Japan. (1966),
- Dunlop, Richard. Behind Japanese Lines: With the OSS in Burma. (1979).
- Ehrman, James M. "Ways of War and the American Experience in the China-Burma-India Theater, 1942-1945." PhD dissertation Kansas State U. 2006. 446 pp. DAI 2007 67(9): 3554-A. DA3234499 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Fellowes-Gordon, Ian. The Magic War. The Battle for North Burma. (1971).
- Hogan. David W. The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II: India Burma online edition
- Liang, Chin-Tun. Gen. Stilwell in China, 1942-1944 (1972), a pro-Chiang view
- Matloff, Maurice, and Edwin M. Snell. 'Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1941-1942" (1952) grand strategy online edition
- Matloff, Maurice. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1943-1944 (1958), grand strategy online edition
- Prefer, Nathan N. Vinegar Joe's War: Stilwell's Campaigns for Burma. (2000), 314pp; scholarly historyonline edition
- Plating, John D. "Keeping China in the War: The Trans-Himalayan `Hump' Airlift and Sino-US Strategy in World War II." PhD dissertation Ohio State U. 2007. 397 pp. DAI 2007 68(4): 1627-A. DA3262108 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Romanus, Charles F. and Riley Sunderland. Stilwell's Mission to China (1953), official U.S. Army history online edition; Stilwell's Command Problems (1956) online edition; Time Runs Out in CBI (1958) online edition. Official U.S. Army history
- Schaller Michael. The U.S. Crusade in China, 1938-1945. (1979). online edition
- Thorne Bliss K. The Hump: The Great Military Airlift of World War II. (1965).
- Tuchman, Barbara. Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45, (1972), 624pp; Pulitzer prize (The British edition is titled Against the Wind: Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45,) excerpt and text search
- Bidwell Shelford. The Chindit War: Stilwell, Wingate, and the Campaign in Burma, 1944. (1979)
- Callahan Raymond. The Worst Disaster: The Fall of Singapore. (1977).
- Callahan Raymond. Burma, 1942-1945. (1978).
- Evans, Lt. Gen. Sir Geoffrey. Slim As Military Commander. (1969)
- Falk Stanley L. Seventy Days to Singapore: The Malayan Campaign, 1941-1942. (1975).
- Fergusson, Bernard. Return to Burma. (1962).
- Forte, La Robert S., and Ronald E. Marcello. Building the Death Railway: The Ordeal of American POWs in Burma, 1942-1945. (1993).
- Hough Richard. Mountbatten: Hero of Our Time. (1980).
- Kirby S. Woodburn. Singapore: The Chain of Disaster. (1971).
- Kirby S. Woodburn. The War against Japan. ( Vols. 1-5. 1957- 1969), official British history; highly detailed.
- Lee, Lloyd, ed. World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the War's aftermath, with General Themes: A Handbook of Literature and Research. (1998) online edition
- Lewin Ronald. The Chief: Field Marshal Lord Wavell, Commander-in-Chief and Viceroy, 1939-1947. (1980).
- Lewin Ronald. Slim: The Standardbearer. (1976).
- Owen, Frank, The Campaign in Burma. (1956), official British history.
- Prasad, Bisheshwar, ed. Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-1945. Retreat from Burma, 1941-1942; Arakan Operations, 1942-1945; Reconquest of Burma, 1942-1945, (2
vols.; Delhi: Orient Longmans, 1954-).
- Rooney David. Burma Victory: Imphal, Kohima and the Chindit Issue. (1992).
- Snow, Philip. The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China and the Japanese Occupation. (2003). 477 pp.
- Ven, Hans van de. War and Nationalism in China: 1925-1945 (2003), negative on Stilwell
- Webster, Donovan. The Burma Road: The Epic Story of the China-Burma-India Theater in World War II. (2003) 370 pp.
- Ziegler Philip. Mountbatten: The Official Biography (1985).
Memory and historiography
- Coble, Parks M. "China's 'New Remembering' of the Anti-Japanese War of Resistance, 1937-1945." China Quarterly 2007 (190): 394-410. Issn: 0305-7410 notes that the Mao regime ignored the war, but that since 1990 a renewed sense of nationalism has made it a central theme, creating patriotic nationalist narrative of heroic resistance, and secondly an emphasis on Japanese atrocities
- Gordon, David M. The China-Japan War, 1931–1945. The Journal of Military History v70#1 (2006) 137-182; major historiographical overview of all important books and interpretations; in Project Muse
- Mitter, Rana. "Old Ghosts, New Memories: China's Changing War History in the Era of Post-Mao Politics." Journal of Contemporary History 2003 38(1): 117-131. Issn: 0022-0094 in Jstor
- Ven, Hans Van De. "Stilwell in the Stocks: the Chinese Nationalists and the Allied Powers in the Second World War." Asian Affairs 2003 34(3): 243-259. Issn: 0306-8374 Fulltext: Ebsco, revisionist argument that Stilwell was incompetent, had no command training or experience, and did not appreciate air power. Ven suggests that Roosevelt's needs in the presidential election of 1944, the strategic decision to defeat the Nazi menace in Europe before giving full attention to Japan, and the unwise yielding to the needs of the Soviet Union during World War II all led to the defeat of the Chinese Nationalists.
- Yang, Daqing. " Entangled Memories: China in American and Japanese Remembrance of World War II," in Marc Gallicchio, ed. The Unpredictability of the Past: Memories of the Asia-Pacific War in U.S.-East Asian Relations. (2007).
Primary Sources
- Chiang Kai-Shek. The Collected Wartime Messages of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, 1937-1945, (1946) online edition
- Marshall, George. The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: Volume 5: The Finest Soldier, January 1, 1945--January 7, 1947 ed. by (Larry I. Bland and Sharon Ritenour Stevens (2003) online
- Spencer, Otha C. Flying the Hump: Memories of an Air War. (1992)
- Stilwell, Joseph Warren. The Stilwell papers edited by Theodore H. White, (1958).
- Stone, James H. ed. Crisis Fleeting: Original Reports on Military Medicine in India and Burma in the Second World War, (1969) online edition
- full text books