Cognitive science/External Links
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- Cognitive Science is the official journal of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Cognitive Science belongs to a group of journals in experimental psychology, but with the specific function at the margin of the specialty of being read and cited by scholars in other relevant disciplines. See: Betweenness Centrality and the Interdisciplinarity of Cognitive Science, by Loet Leydesdorff,a Robert L. Goldstone,b and Thomas Schank.
- Another journal of the Cognitive Science Society.
- "The Cognitive Science Society, Inc. brings together researchers from many fields who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the human mind. The Society promotes scientific interchange among researchers in disciplines comprising the field of Cognitive Science, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education."
- An open access journal devoted to the scientific study of the human mind. The journal's broad focus encompasses the behavioral, cognitive, and brain sciences. ACP publishes empirical studies, theoretical papers, and critical reviews. Tutorial papers and methodological articles will also be considered. The journal occasionally publishes special issues on topics of widespread interest. The language of the journal is English.
- Top 10 ACP downloads:
- Thompson W. F. et al. Music performance. volume 2 issue 2-3, pages 99-102 36704
- Kiefer et al. Emotion and memory: Event-related potential indices predictive for subsequent successful memory depend on the emotional mood state. volume 3 issue 3, pages 363-373 2877
- Kenny, D. T. & Osborne S. M. Music performance anxiety: New insights from young musicians. volume 2 issue 2-3, pages 103-112 2075
- Öllinger M. et al. Heuristics and representational change in two-move matchstick arithmetic tasks. volume 2 issue 4, pages 239-253 1837
- Scharlau I. et al. Trends and styles in visual masking. volume 2 issue 1, pages 1-5 1787
- Schlaghecken F. & Sisman R. Low-level motor inhibition in children:Evidence from the negative compatibility effect. volume 2 issue 1, pages 7-19 1566
- Keller P. E. & Koch I. Exogenous and endogenous response priming with auditory stimuli. volume 2 issue 4, pages 269-276 1535
- Carbon C. & Leder H. Face adaptation: Changing stable representations of familiar faces within minutes? volume 1 issue 1, pages 1-7 1494
- Hébert S. & Cuddy L. L. Music-reading deficiencies and the brain. volume 2 issue 2-3, pages 199-206 1471
- Jabusch H-C. & Altenmüller E. Focal dystonia in musicians: From phenomenology to therapy. volume 2 issue 2-3, pages 207-220
- The Official Journal of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
- "Applied Cognitive Psychology seeks to publish the best papers dealing with psychological analyses of memory, learning, thinking, problem solving, language, and consciousness as they occur in the real world. Applied Cognitive Psychology will publish papers on a wide variety of issues and from diverse theoretical perspectives. The journal focuses on studies of human performance and basic cognitive skills in everyday environments including, but not restricted to, studies of eyewitness memory, autobiographical memory, spatial cognition, skill training, expertise and skilled behaviour. Articles will normally combine realistic investigations of real world events with appropriate theoretical analyses and proper appraisal of practical implications. While empirical research remains the primary focus of the journal, Applied Cognitive Psychology also publishes theoretical articles, reviews and surveys."
- Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Science. "Cognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from biological and experimental studies to formal analysis. Contributions from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, ethology and philosophy are welcome in this journal provided that they have some bearing on the functioning of the mind. In addition, the journal serves as a forum for discussion of social and political aspects of cognitive science."
- "Cognitive Psychology is concerned with advances in the study of memory, language processing, perception, problem solving, and thinking. The journal presents original empirical, theoretical, and tutorial papers, methodological articles, and critical reviews. Cognitive Psychology specializes in extensive articles that have a major impact on cognitive theory and/or provide new theoretical advances. Research Areas include: Artificial intelligence; Developmental psychology; Linguistics; Neurophysiology; Social psychology." [emphases added]
- Some idea of the topics covered by this 'cognitive psychology' journal manifests in the titles of its most downloaded articles:
- Inflexibility of experts-Reality or myth? Quantifying the Einstellung effect in chess masters. 2008.
- Is language necessary for human spatial reorientation? Reconsidering evidence from dual task paradigms. 2008.
- Reading ability is negatively related to Stroop interference. 2007.
- The Unity and Diversity of Executive Functions and Their Contributions to ComplexFrontal Lobe Tasks: A Latent Variable Analysis. 2000.
- Robust representations for face recognition: The power of averages. 2005.
- Can word formation be understood or understanded by semantics alone? 2008.
- Does Language Shape Thought?: Mandarin and English Speakers' Conceptions of Time. 2001.
- Prototypicality in sentence production. 2008.
- On the capacity of attention: Its estimation and its role in working memory and cognitive aptitudes. 2005.
- The attention cascade model and attentional blink. Cognitive Psychology Shih, S.I.
- Color categories: Evidence for the cultural relativity hypothesis. 2005.
- How children make language out of gesture: Morphological structure in gesture systems developed by American and Chinese deaf children. 2007.
- Lexical configuration and lexical engagement: When adults learn new words. 2007.
- The phonological-distributional coherence hypothesis: Cross-linguistic evidence in language acquisition. 2007.
- Acquiring and processing verb argument structure: Distributional learning in a miniature language.
- A computational model of fractionated conflict-control mechanisms in task-switching. 2007.
- Evidence for serial coercion: A time course analysis using the visual-world paradigm. 2008.
- Task-switching and long-term priming: Role of episodic stimulus-task bindings in task-shift costs. 2003.
- When learners surpass their models: The acquisition of American Sign Language from inconsistent input. 2004.
- Representational change and children's numerical estimation. 2007.
- Language input and child syntax. 2002.
- Judgments of associative memory. 2007.
- Lexical competition in young children's word learning. 2007.
- Understanding spatial relations: Flexible infants, lexical adults. 2003.
- Belief-desire reasoning as a process of selection. 2005.