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Senator Hakeem S. Jeffries (New York) in 2013

Hakeem S. Jeffries (b. 1970)[1] is an American politician and attorney who has served as the U.S. representative for New York's 8th congressional district since 2013. A member of the Democratic Party, he represents a district that covers parts of eastern Brooklyn and southwestern Queens in New York City. He worked as a corporate lawyer before running for and serving in the New York State Assembly from 2007 to 2012, representing the 57th Assembly district.[2][3] Jeffries has chaired the House Democratic Caucus since 2019.[4][5]

On November 30, 2022, Jeffries was elected to lead the Democratic Party caucus in the House of Representatives in 2023,[6] succeeding Nancy Pelosi.[7] He is the first person of color to be elected as the Democratic congressional leader.