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The '''Clean Water Act''' usually refers to the ''Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments'' of 1972, a major revision of the ''Federal Water Pollution Control Act'' of 1948 in the [[United States/Definition|U.S.]]. The ''Clean Water Act'' of 1977 and the ''Water Quality Act'' (WQA) of 1987 were later amendments.  Numerous court cases have been fought, many to the Supreme court, about the Clean Water Act.
The '''Clean Water Act''' usually refers to the ''Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments'' of 1972, a major revision of the ''Federal Water Pollution Control Act'' of 1948 in the [[United States/Definition|U.S.]]. The ''Clean Water Act'' of 1977 and the ''Water Quality Act'' (WQA) of 1987 were later amendments.  Numerous court cases have been fought, many to the Supreme court, about the Clean Water Act.

Revision as of 08:12, 18 April 2022

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The Clean Water Act usually refers to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, a major revision of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 in the U.S.. The Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act (WQA) of 1987 were later amendments. Numerous court cases have been fought, many to the Supreme court, about the Clean Water Act.