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| Martin Baldwin-Edwards is an Editor in Economics, Politics and Sociology on Citizendium. He also served as a member of its first Editorial Council and was Secretary of the second-constituted Council. | | {{AccountNotLive}} |
| He is currently Co-Director of the [ Mediterranean Migration Observatory], Institute for International Relations, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. He recently completed research on migration and labour markets in the [[GCC]] countries for the [ Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics]. During 2007-9, he was based in Vienna working with the ''International Centre for Migration Policy Development ''([ ICMPD]) as expert Rapporteur on Greece and Cyprus within the PROMINSTAT statistics project, and also as Scientific Director of a project (REGINE) advising the European Commission on policy for regularization of illegal immigrants across 27 countries. He | | <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="border: 0.5em solid rgb(200,200,200); padding: 0.5em;">This author is no longer active on the ''Citizendium''</span></div><br /> |
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| | Martin Baldwin-Edwards was an Editor in Economics, Politics and Sociology on Citizendium. He also served as a member of its first Editorial Council and was Secretary of the second-constituted Council. |
| | He is currently Co-Director of the [ Mediterranean Migration Observatory], Institute for International Relations, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. He recently completed research on migration and labour markets in the [[GCC]] countries for the Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics. During 2007-9, he was based in Vienna working with the ''International Centre for Migration Policy Development ''([ ICMPD]) as expert Rapporteur on Greece and Cyprus within the PROMINSTAT statistics project, and also as Scientific Director of a project (REGINE) advising the European Commission on policy for regularization of illegal immigrants across 27 countries. He |
| has authored over 60 publications on international migration, including | | has authored over 60 publications on international migration, including |
| ''The Politics of Immigration in Western Europe'' (ed. with M. Schain, | | ''The Politics of Immigration in Western Europe'' (ed. with M. Schain, |
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| Migration Policy Institute, USA, ECRI (Council of Europe), the United Nations Economic | | Migration Policy Institute, USA, ECRI (Council of Europe), the United Nations Economic |
| Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the governments of Italy, Spain and Greece. | | Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the governments of Italy, Spain and Greece. |
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| ==Specializations==
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| ''academic disciplines:'' economic sociology, political economy, human geography, comparative public policy
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| ''thematic areas:'' international migration and population statistics, immigration policies, illegal migration, immigration and the labour market, employment and the informal economy, emigration and economic development, visa policies, Schengen Treaty
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| ''geographical regions:'' southern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Balkans, European Union
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| ''individual countries:'' Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Romania
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| '''Edited Books'''
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| ''REGINE: Regularisations in Europe'', with A. Kraler (eds)(2009), Amsterdam University Press
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| ''Migration within the Balkans'', with H. Vermeulen (eds) (in preparation)
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| '''Monographs'''
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| [,%20Martin.pdf ''Labour immigration and labour markets in the GCC countries: patterns and trends''] (2011), London School of Economics
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| '''Articles in journals'''
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| 'How to cut the Gordian knot of Europe's muddled immigration policies', ''Europe’s World'', Spring 2009 []
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| 'Towards a theory of illegal migration', ''Third World Quarterly'', 29/7, 2008, pp. 1449-1459 []
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| ‘La migración en la región subsahariana y el Magreb', ''Vanguardia Dossier'', Enero/Marzo 2008: África, pp. 95-100 []
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| (with K. Apostolatou) 'Ethnicity and migration: A Greek story', ''Revue Migrance'' 31 (Oct. 2008) Guest Editor of journal issue on Greece, published in French and English. Available from
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| 'Migration between Greece and Turkey: From the “Exchange of Populations” to non-recognition of borders', ''South East Europe Review'' . []
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| ‘Navigating between Scylla and Charybdis: Migration policies for a Romania within the European Union’, ''South East European and Black Sea Studies'', 7/1, pp. 5-35. []
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| ‘La migración en la región del Mediterráneo’, ''Vanguardia Dossier'', Enero/Marzo 2007: Inmigrantes: El Continente Móvil, pp. 18-26. []
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| ‘Balkan migrations and the European Union: Patterns and trends’, ''The Romanian Journal of European Studies'', 4/2005, pp. 31-43. []
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| ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration and transit migration’, ''Review of African Political Economy'', 33/108, pp. 311-324. Also published in Circunstancia, 10. []
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| ‘Mediterranean Migrations: regionalisms versus globalisation’, ''Revista Finisterra'', 39/77, Lisboa, pp. 9-20. []
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| ‘Albanian Emigration and the Greek Labour Market’, ''South East Europe Review'', 7/1, pp. 51-66. []
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| ‘Sustainable Development and Emigration: The Contemporary Balkans and the European Union’, ''South East Europe Review'', 7/1, pp. 9-14. []
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| '''Chapters in edited books'''
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| 'The southern European "model of immigration": a sceptical view', in M. Okolski (ed), ''Europe: the continent of immigrants. Trends, structures and policy implications'', Amsterdam UP (in press)
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| 'Greece', in Baldwin-Edwards & Kraler (2009)
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| 'Cyprus', in Baldwin-Edwards & Kraler (2009)
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| (with K. Apostolatou) 'Statistics and Reality: Greece', in H. Fassmann, U. Reeger, W. Sievers (eds)(2009): ''Statistics and Reality: concepts and measurements of migration in Europe'', Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP. Available from:
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| 'Illegal migration in the Mediterranean', ''5th International Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean'', Barcelona: CIDOB Foundation. Available online from:
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| ‘Migration in the Mediterranean and Middle East’, in B. Marshall (ed)(2006), ''The Politics of Migration: A Survey'', Routledge, pp. 172-191
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| ‘Immigration, Immigrants and Socialisation in Southern Europe: patterns, problems and contradistinctions’, in C. Inglessi, A. Lyberaki, H. Vermeulen and G. J. van Wijngaarden (eds)(2004): ''Immigration and Integration in Northern versus Southern Europe'', Athens: Netherlands Institute in Athens, pp. 11-24
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| ‘Immigrants and the Welfare State in Europe’, in D. Massey and J. Edward Taylor (eds)(2004): ''International Migration - Prospects and Policies in a Global Market'', Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 318-334
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| '''Official Reports'''
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| PROMINSTAT country report for Greece (migration statistics) (May 2010) [ Greece]
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| PROMINSTAT country report for Cyprus (migration statistics) (May 2010) [ Cyprus]
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| ''REGINE: Regularisations in Europe'', (with A. Kraler), Report in 4 volumes prepared for DG JLS, European Commission. Presented to and accepted by the EU 27 governments, December 2008. Available from:
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| ''Statistics and Reality: Greece'', (with K. Apostolatou), Report prepared for the IMISCOE network, Working Group 1, Task 3: Structural Aspects of International Migration. Available from:
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| ''Visa Policies in South Eastern Europe: a hindrance or a stepping stone to European integration?'' Policy brief prepared for the East-West Institute, Center for Border Studies, Brussels. Available from:
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| ''Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean'', Regional study prepared for the UN Global Commission on International Migration, Geneva, 2005. 44 pp. On web at: and
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| ''Statistical Data on Immigrants in Greece: an analytic study of available data and recommendations for conformity with EU standards'', IMEPO, Ministry of Interior, Greece, October 2004. In English (100 pp) and Greek (105 pp). On web at: and
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| ''The Integration of Immigrants in Athens: developing indicators and statistical measures'', Lambrakis Foundation and EQUAL consortium: Migrants in Greece, 2004. 69 pp. (in English and Greek) . On web at:
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| ''The Changing Mosaic of Mediterranean Migrations''. Feature Story, 1 June 2004, commissioned by Migration Information Source, Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC. On web at:
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| ''Immigration into Greece, 1990-2003'', United Nations, European Population Forum 2004, UNECE, Geneva, 12-14 January. Plenary Speaker in session “International Migration: Promoting Management and Integration”. 29 pp. Available at:
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| '''Working Papers'''
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| ‘Immigrants in Greece: Characteristics and Issues of Regional Distribution’, Working Paper No. 10, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:
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| ‘Patterns of migration in the Balkans’, Working Paper No. 9, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:
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| ‘Implementing the EU Anti-discrimination Directives in Greece: Between “marketisation” and social exclusion’, Working Paper No. 8, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:
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| ‘Migration into southern Europe: non-legality and labour markets in the region’, Working Paper No. 6, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:
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| *"The Political Economy of International Migration", MA degree, Panteion University, 2007/8, 2009/10
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| *"Introduction to Social Sciences", undergraduate, The Open University, 2000-09
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| *"Economics and Changing Economies", The Open University, 2002
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| [[Category:CZ Editors|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:Sociology Editors|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:Economics Editors|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:Politics Editors|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:CZ Authors|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:CZ Charter Drafting Committee Members|Baldwin-Edwards, Martin]]
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| [[Category:CZ Editorial Council Emeritus Members]]
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